Owl & Drum's Sew Very Modern — basic sewing terms
Tuesday's Tip - Basic Sewing Terms Part 2
Posted by Bianca Howell on

Welcome to another installment of Sew Very Modern's Tuesday's Tip! This week we will focus on some more sewing terms that may not be self explanatory. It is so useful to be familiar with these terms, especially for all of the self learners out there. Back Stitch - as used in sewing, is the initial and final step when hand-stitching or sewing on a sewing machine. After a couple stitches, do a couple of reverse stitches. This reinforces your stitches and prevents your seams from falling apart. Cross Grain - also called the "bias," the cross grain runs diagonally across the grain...
Tuesday's Tip - Basic Sewing Terms
Posted by Bianca Howell on
When you start your sewing journey you start to see a lot of words that may seem like a foreign language to you. So, I would like to help you out and give you the meanings of some of the most basic sewing terms out there. Baste - either by hand or machine, long stitches that are used, temporarily, to hold together two pieces of fabric so that they stay in place while you sew them together. Bias - diagonally across the fabric grain. In woven fabric, this is where there will be the most stretch. Bobbin - the spindle that...